Department of Strange Sorcery: The Hopper

Have you heard about this thing? It’s pretty awesome if you’re into TV—it’s pretty scary if you’re an advertiser who relies on TV commercials for your brand messaging. Basically it’s a DVR that completely… hops… over commercials.  No more fast forwarding over them, they’re totally not there. Continue reading

A Note on Tone Regarding the Recession and Hispanics

A new study from the Pew Hispanic Center gives us some interesting insights on how US Hispanics feel about the recession. The majority (57%) feel the recession that started in 2007 has been harder on them than other groups. It goes on to explain in what specific areas they feel this way. Continue reading

Romanicing the shopper… with science!

Here at Visual Latina we look at things a little differently than other agencies. While some may not see the grocery aisle as the ideal place for seduction, that’s exactly how we view it. A critical understanding in seduction is how exactly the shopper’s mind is functioning in a store situation. It’s well worth your while to dedicate some time and energy to gathering insights on how shoppers shop your category. Along the way, you’ll also discover some fascinating facts on shopping habits in general. Continue reading