Apple Mixes It Up… Again

Oh, my, Apple, seriously? AGAIN? A new iPad and MacBook Pro already? Aren’t they pushing their luck especially after letting new iPhone users know they’re going to have to shell out $30 for the adapter that will allow their new device to work with their old components? (At least the new iPad and the lil’ iPad use the new connector.) Continue reading

The New Kings of Mobile?

In the long history of the touch-screen smartphone (less than 6 years), Apple has reigned supreme. It’s interesting to reflect on how far we’ve come in such a short period of time. Think for a minute about the most technologically advanced smartphone before the iPhone. Most likely it was a Blackberry device with e-mail capabilities, minimal web access, and a pixel-heavy display. And then there was the iPhone, and it was good. The iPhone brought us a level of quality we perhaps didn’t imagine possible. It had a camera—an actual camera—that took good pictures, not the grainy “oh that’s a picture?” images of the devices before it. Never mind that initially it dropped nearly 20% of phone calls. The iPhone launched a revolution in what we expect out of a device that is with us almost every minute of every day.  Continue reading